we'll JUMP for joy if you leave us a review on the WIX marketplace!
we'll JUMP for joy if you leave us a review on the
WIX marketplace!
We would love to showcase our work together for future clients! Follow these simple steps to get your project and testimonial into our portfolio, and the Wix Marketplace. It only takes 5-15 minutes. Thank you for being part of our success!
1. Before you begin, we must currently be a collaborator on your Wix Website to continue with the review. Please add us as a collaborator, if we are not already. Click here for instructions. Once we are a collaborator, or if we were already you can move on, to step two.
2. Make sure you are logged into your Wix account in a separate browser tab.
3. Click here to visit our Wix Marketplace Profile.
4. Once you arrive on our profile, click the "contact" or "request a quote" button. Next, pick any service that is similar to our work together, enter the required contact details, and click submit.
5. Within a few minutes you will receive an email, at your email associated with your Wix Account, from us, grow@ulumediagroup.com. When you receive the email, please reply to it with a quick “got it”.
6. Once you have replied, you will receive an email from Wix, within a few minutes to a few hours. This email will state that the work you requested in the Wix Marketplace (step 4 above), has been marked complete and that you can now leave a review for us. Follow the prompts to leave your testimonial on our Wix Profile, in order to help future potential customers understand what we do best and what you experienced working together with us. Don't forget to share the aspects you loved the most. We will share this on our website as well.